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ලංකා ඇඩ්ස් හරහා ඔබ මෙම දැන්වීම දුටු බව පවසා විශේෂ දීමනා ලබා ගන්න.
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මගෙ නම අනුක්.
මම ඉන්නේ ගල්කිස්සෙ.
මට වයස 28.
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WhatsApp පමණක් කතා කරන්න

My services are for women only.
My name is Anuk.
I am in Mt. Lavinia
I am 28 years old.
I am a little chubby guy.
This is a real photo of me.
If you are a woman under the age of 50 who is holding back your feelings, talk to me.
I will give you maximum happiness.
I will make you crazy by massaging your whole body and licking your whole body with my tongue
You can get my service as you like.
I am someone who protects your privacy 100%
Please don't talk to men and eunuchs.
WhatsApp only